Raporti Vjetor 2023 – World Vision Albania

In 2023, World Vision Albania was joined again by many partners in its mission to transform lives of 34,455 children and young people. Our partners were citizens who donate, children, families, institutions, faith based and civil society organizations, agencies, businesses, media, experts, networks and more. I want to take the opportunity to say thank you […]

Raporti Vjetor 2022 – World Vision Albania

“We all witnessed in 2022, how the lives especially those of children and youth were affected directly by critical events. They have experienced the psychological, social and economic effects of the humanitarian crisis of the war in Ukraine, the 2019 earthquake and Covid-19 pandemic. While World Vision International is offering support to lighten the effects […]

Raporti Vjetor 2021 – World Vision Albania

“2021 was not an easy year on children, adolescents and their families in Albania or other parts of the world. Health, social and economic situation of families continued to be challenged significantly because of Covid-19 pandemic. As children, families, institutions and organizations strived to build resiliency and adapt, World Vision persistently stayed by their side, […]

Raporti Vjetor 2020 – World Vision Albania

The  events  in  2020  impacted  lives  of  all  children,   especially  the  most  vulnerable  ones,  in  many  ways.   At  the  start  of  the  year,  memories  and  damages  of   the  strong  November  earthquake  in  Albania  were   recent.  As  World  Vision  team  was  responding  to  the   earthquake crisis, another crisis was about to hit and to  stay with […]

Raporti Vjetor 2019 – World Vision Albania

Year  2019  marked  the  anniversary  of   the   20-year   efforts   in   humanitarian,   development   and   advocacy   work   of    World  Vision  in  Albania  and  Kosovo.  In  the  last  two  decades,  100,000  children  have  benefitted  from  45  programs  in  around  220  communities  of   Albania.   This   was   made   possible   because  thousands   of   supporters   have   believed   and  continue to believe in […]

Raport Vjetor 2016 & 2017

This report is developed based on a collaborative process, bringing together evidence of World Vision’s contribution to impact in the technical sectors, part of the national strategy along with transformational development, disaster management and advocacy. The report also highlights promising practices, and innovation from the above-mentioned areas, including a special focus on the most vulnerable […]

Raport Vjetor 2015

Postuar: 25/06/2018 This report is developed based on a collaborative process, bringing together evidence of World Vision’s contribution to impact in the technical sectors, part of the national strategy along with transformational development, disaster management and advocacy.  The report also highlights promising practices, and innovation from the above-mentioned areas, including a special focus on the […]