Raporti Vjetor 2020 – World Vision Albania

The  events  in  2020  impacted  lives  of  all  children,   especially  the  most  vulnerable  ones,  in  many  ways.   At  the  start  of  the  year,  memories  and  damages  of   the  strong  November  earthquake  in  Albania  were   recent.  As  World  Vision  team  was  responding  to  the   earthquake crisis, another crisis was about to hit and to  stay with us indefinitely.  

At the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic, World Vision  International  declared  a  global  emergency  and  took   immediate actions to respond to the emerging needs.  As  part  of  this  global  action,  World  Vision  Albania  mobilized  the  resources  to  address  the  needs  in   food  security,  health,  mental  health,  child  protection,  education and livelihoods, reaching more than 60,000  children in 24 municipalities…